We are a unique platform in Brazil formed by three highway concessionaires in the Northeast of Brazil, with a 100% interest in the Bahia Norte, Rota do Atlântico and Rota dos Coqueiros highways, located in the states of Bahia and Pernambuco, totaling 182.5 km of extension. Founded in 2015, we are the result of the acquisition of these concessionaires by Monte Equity Partners (MEP)..

We believe that, as our concessionaires are located in industrial, urban and tourist areas, which have good prospects for traffic growth until the end of the concession period, we have high quality assets.

Based on our formally unaudited Combined Financial Information (i) for the period of 6 (six) months ended June 30, 2021, (ii) for December 31, 2020 and (iii) for the period of 6 (six) months ended June 30, 2020, our consolidated net revenue was R$252,260 thousand in the last 12 months. Our EBITDA and EBITDA margin in the same period were R$90,058 thousand and 35.7%, respectively. Considering net revenue excluding construction revenue, this amount was R$212,184 thousand and our adjusted EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA margin were R$104,385 thousand and 49.2% respectively. For more information on the Company’s non-accounting measures, see items 3.2 and 3.9 of this Reference Form.

As we have a quality team, strong cash generation, access to financing and a strong history of investment and management, we believe we have a great capacity for growth and we are well positioned to compete for privatization and market consolidation opportunities through acquisitions in the secondary market.

We believe that we have a different operation from the infrastructure players operating in Brazil, given our management of a solid track record of execution in the sector and with a focus on private equity. In addition to having three quality assets, we are focused on screening and selecting potential new businesses. We started the investment process by searching for assets, usually in regions that are not targeted by the biggest players in the market, with safe, well-designed contracts that provide security for our investments, which we believe will boost our returns. We also look for assets where we can act directly in your operations to increase their efficiencies, thus generating value during the investment process. Not least, we consider and apply environmental, social and governance initiatives in our projects and operation as a whole, always keeping a long-term vision.